lunedì 22 dicembre 2008

My favourite band

My favourite band's name is Finley. The members of this band are four: Marco Pedretti "Pedro", 23 years old, band's singer. Carmine Ruggiero "Ka", 23 years old, play guitar. Stefano Mantegazza "Ste", 23 year old, plays bass guitar. Danilo Calvio "Dani", 23 years old, plays drums. They live in Milano. They perform in Italy and abroad. Their songs' names are: "Tutto è possibile", "Diventerai una star", "Dentro alla scatola", "9 luglio 2006", "Sole di settembre", "Fumo e cenere", "Scegli me", "Niente da perdere", "Adrenalina". I like this band because they are professional musicians; the quality of their performances is very good.

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